Bland Music Scholarship

In the spring of every year, the Lions of Virginia hold a State-Wide Music contest. This contest is called the “Lions of Virginia Bland Music Contest”. It is named after James Bland, who wrote “Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny”. The final competition is held at the Lions State Convention, in May each year. The Bland Competition starts at the local level with many clubs, including Park West Lions Club, holding local competitions in both instrumental and vocal divisions. Over $25,000.00 is awarded in this state wide contest.

For the past several years, Park West Lions Club has hosted the local Bland Contest as a Region IV, Zone 1 project through the co-operative efforts of all the Lions Clubs in Zone 1. If you would like to participate in the contest and live in our area, please contact us at Be sure you mention Bland Contest in the Subject Line.

Lions of Virginia Bland Music Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

James A. Bland

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