The Northern Virginia Lions Youth Camp, Inc., is a non-profit, public service organization supported by the Lions Clubs of District 24-A.
Its purpose is to provide camping facilities to any youth group accompanied by adult leaders and supervisors.
The Camp Site is located on a mountain west of the Town of Boyce and the Appalachian Trail and just east of the Shenandoah River in Clarke County, Virginia.
Facilities include a 2000-square-foot Pavilion with fireplace and picnic tables, seven cabins, a modern wheel chair oriented bathhouse with toilets, hot and cold water showers, wash facilities for both male and female, an amphitheater with a 216-square-foot-stage, a large playing field and a caretaker’s house. In 1995 with a Lions of Virginia Foundation grant, a meeting facility was constructed and has been named for Lion James Durant of the Falls Church Lions Club.
The Park West Lions Club has completed the construction of their new cabin at the youth camp.
Additional information can be found here.